Monday, December 5, 2016


Water Pollution Unit plan for a third grade classroom

Essential Question: 

How does water affect both our lives and other cultures around the world and how can we make sure that we don’t pollute the water and become more aware?

Created by: Allison Plummer
Professor Jonathan Silverman 

Unit Overview

Unit Overview

Essential Question:
How does water affect both our lives and other cultures around the world and how can we make sure that we don’t pollute the water and become more aware?

Content Knowledge:
            In order to teach my students effectively about water pollution, I first had to learn about the topic. I started with researching different bodies of water and how much of the earth’s surface is covered by water, and how different bodies of water are used in our lives, for drinking water, sewage, and enjoyment. I then started to look at the effects of water pollution on the world, I found out that it can affect our ecosystem, cause diseases, kill aquatic life and destroy the food chain. Then I found an article that showed me different forms of pollution that are effecting the water, some were runoff, sewage treatment (which is a big one), littering, wastewater, and oil spills. Each a very important problem, by contaminating our water we can suffer big consequences. I want my students to understand how important that it so I then started to look for ways we use water, and how our lives would be without it, to show my students that water is very essential. I came up with a list of things we use water for, such as bathing, cooking, enjoyment, drinking, and toilets and for agriculture reasons. With this list, I furthered my search to see how people around the world are suffering without clean water, for these basic every day uses of water.
             I read serval articles about different places around the world that are suffering from water pollution and how it effects them, I want my students to learn about different cultures that can be effected because I find this is important to show students different cultures and their different uses for water. After researching all the different kinds of pollution, I started to look at clean up acts around the world that are trying to make sure that our waters are clean for now and our future. I found serval, like the waste, chemical and cleanup enforcement laws, superfund, federal facilities which are programs to clean up hazardous waste. I want to make sure that my students also have a full knowledge of what they can do to make sure that our water is clean.

            Throughout our lives water is an everyday essential to being a healthy, functioning human beings; without water we would not be able to survive. I want to show my students how important it is that our water stays clean, for our use and for the future. I want to demonstrate why water is so important to us and make sure that each student understands that it’s a big deal. Water pollution affects everyone, not just us, but every culture around the world. I not only want them to know how important it is, but also how it affects us, the animals in the water, the land and people in general.
            By learning how it affects many different things, they will next learn how to make sure that they aren’t polluting the waters. It’s important for them to care about the planet and the water that we are provided with and be grateful for it. Throughout our readings and assignments I want my students to gain the message that water is essential and must be cared for, in order for us to live. They will be able to take the knowledge they gain from this unit and use it to further their education about the planet and how pollution is a serious thing.

             My resources vary from picture books, videos and chapters for my students to read. First I will start with introducing the topic with having my students watch the video that I picked, called Taking Care of Our Earth, this video was made by students and teachers to show the importance of not only taking care of our earth, but also awareness of water pollution. It describes different pollutions and their different effects on the world and ourselves. This will give my students a visual way to learn and understand the topic.
            The next resource is my picture books that I picked out for this unit. One Plastic Bag by Miranda Paul is about a girl named Isatou Ceesay that lives in Gambia and finds a plastic bag, after finding one, she finds hundreds. These plastic bags are not good for the environment, first livestock eat them, and they strangle their gardens and create diseases with the water pooled inside them. After all this she learned how to use the plastic bag in a different, more effective way; she created little purses and bags. This book shows how water pollution can affect many different cultures, but it also shows what we can do to recycle. The other picture book is called Tracking Trash by Loree Griffin Burns. This book captures flotsam which Dr. Curt Ebbesmeyer talks about, it’s the way the ocean moves and pushes things around, his mission is tracking trash found all around the world. I chose this book to show how trash in our ocean can affect other regions and learn from it. It also mentions the different garbage patches, which my students are going to learn about. The final picture book I picked is The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, this book has a fun and different way of showing the effects of pollution, not only water pollution but air and land pollution as well. This book also touched the meaning of greed and how it can control our thoughts and ideas that we do. I want to use these picture books as a fun, understanding way to have my students learn about water pollution and truly understand the effects.  
            I then picked a chapter from the book Dirty Water by Bill Sharpsteen. Which I also used as one of my resources too. This book begins with a prologue about how there was dumbing of sewage into the Santa Monica Bay in Los Angeles (I would read this to the class); the next chapter is about a swimmer that didn’t know the water was contaminated and continued to swim in the water, later finding out and sharing his story. I thought this was a great example to show my students what it would be like if all our water was polluted and how much it would affect us.

Resources for my students:
1.      Burns, L. G. (2007). Tracking trash: Flotsam, jetsam, and the science of ocean motion. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
2.      Paul, M., & Zunon, E. (2015). One plastic bag: Isatou Ceesay and the recycling women of the Gambia.
3.      Taking Care of Our Earth. (n.d.). Retrieved from
4.      Sharpsteen, B. (2010). Dirty water: One man's fight to clean up one of the world's most polluted bays. Berkeley: University of California Press. (chapter swimmer)
  1. Seuss,. (1971). The Lorax. New York: Random House.
Resources I used:
1.      E. (n.d.). What are the effects of water pollution. Retrieved from
2.      A. F. (2010). Climate Systems. Retrieved from
3.      Clean Water Act (CWA). (2016). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
4.      Water pollution. (2016). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
5.      Water pollution. (2016). In Columbia University & P. Lagasse, The Columbia Encyclopedia. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. Retrieved from
Cleaning Up Our Land, Water and Air. (n.d.). Retriev

Scaffolding Two Objectives

Scaffolding Two Objectives

Social Studies:

One of my focuses for my unit was that even though water pollution isn’t happening here, it is still happening around the world. For my social studies aspect of my unit I chose to read a book called One Plastic Bag. This book gave my students the idea that water pollution is global and effecting people around the world. After reading this book I had my students complete activities revolving around the topic of global water pollution. I asked them to first draw their favorite body of water without pollution, then go back and add pollution to their photo, this created my students to think about how water pollution could affect them. After they complete these drawings and discuss how it made them think differently. I hen passed out photos of different regions around the world that are currently suffering from water pollution and had them reflect on these photos as well. For both of these activities they were given the opportunity to observe different drawings or photos and reflect back on the global issues that I have introduced.


For creating useful ways to use the arts in the classroom, one of the most important things to know about water pollution is ways to prevent it. After my students participate in a beach cleanup, they will have the knowledge, that they too can help the cleanup. After this I wanted to introduce reduce, reuse, and recycle. I used the arts by having my students reuse certain materials found on the beach, or would be considered reusable to construct something new. They were able to use their imagination to create something new out of this material. This would give them a new way to experience reusing things and help them use the arts to create something new. 

Assessment Plan

Allison Plummer
H&SS3-4:12 Students show understanding of human interaction with the environment over time by…  Describing how people have changed the environment in Vermont for specific purposes. Identifying and participating in ways they can contribute to preserving natural resources (e.g., creating a class or school recycling center).

4 and 5
In lesson 4 my students participated in being an active member in the community by cleaning up the beach. This gave my students an opportunity to reflect back on ways they can help prevent water pollution.
H&SS3-4:7 Students communicate their findings by… Giving an oral, written, or visual presentation that summarizes their findings.
After discussing in groups about the photograph they’ve received of a place that is suffering from water pollution, I will ask them to draw this same image, without water pollution. At the bottom of the sheet write ways they can prevent this from happening in the future, and different emotions they felt while drawing this image.

H&SS3-4:6 Students make connections to research by…  Explaining the relevance of their findings to the research question.  Proposing solutions to problems and asking other questions. Identifying what was easy or difficult about following the research plan
After creating the terrariums in lesson 2, I will ask my students to observe, take notes, and reflect on them. They will be asked to explain how the water cycle works by observing their terrariums.
H&SS3-4:4 Students conduct research by…  Referring to and following a plan for an inquiry. Locating relevant materials such as print, electronic, and human resources. Describing evidence and recording observations using notecards, videotape, tape recorders, journals, or databases
2 and 1
In lesson 1, after learning about the water cycle, I will ask my students to create water cycle bracelets. They also will learn a song to help memorize. In lesson 2 my students will create terrariums to observe the water cycle, which they use multiply materials to conduct.
H&SS3-4:5 Students develop reasonable explanations that support the research statement by…  Organizing and displaying information in a manner appropriate to the research statement through tables, graphs, charts, narratives, and/or posters, maps, dioramas. Classifying information and justifying groupings based upon observations, prior knowledge, and/or research. Using appropriate methods for interpreting information such as comparing and contrasting.

I will hand out to each group of students a photograph from all different places around the world that have water pollution. I will also give them the location. I will then ask them to talk in their groups about what they see, how it makes them feel, ways they could maybe prevent this pollution, etc. After this they will be asked to draw an image of their own to show how to prevent water pollution and use examples.
H&SS3-4:11 Students interpret geography and solve geographic problems by… Observing, comparing, and analyzing patterns of local and state land use (e.g., agriculture, forestry, industry) to understand why particular locations are used for certain human activities.

In this lesson, I introduced the water cycle and the different resources each body of water provides for us. My students will learn about the water cycle and be able to understand its importance.
National Core Arts Standards/Artistic Processes and Anchor Standards: Connecting- Students will: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art. Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.

In lesson 5, after participating in a beach cleanup, my students will use their imagination to take trash items and create them into reused materials for the classroom.
H&SS3-4:2 Students develop a hypothesis, thesis, or research by…  Using prior knowledge to predict results or proposing a choice about a possible action (e.g., using experience from a field trip to the nature center, propose a way to preserve Vermont’s natural habitats).

After the beach cleanup, I will give my students time to reflect and come up with new ideas to preserve water in our classroom. As a class we will come up with a new way for our class to work, including one of the ideas of reduce, reuse and recycle. (Reuse activity each week to transform items for different uses, or recycling better.)
H&SS3-4:14 Students act as citizens by…  Identifying the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in a school and local community, demonstrating positive interaction with group members (e.g., working with a group of people to complete a task). Identifying problems, planning and implementing solutions in the classroom, school or community

After coming back from the beach cleanup, we will talk as a group and look over our checklists together. We will be able to observe and compare all the different forms of water pollution we have found, we will next be talking about which of these products we use in our lives and different ways we can reuse them.

Lesson 1

Lesson 1
UNIT TOPIC: Water Pollution
LESSON TOPIC: Uses of water in daily routine
AGE/GRADE: 3rd Grade, age 8-9
TIME: 11/2 hours
UNIT ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What is pollution and how does water influence our lives?
RATIONALE AND CONTEXT: During this lesson we will start with learning about different forms of water and how much we use water in our lives, this is important because I wanted to start off with introducing this topic before we dive into water pollution. I want my students to understand how important water is to our lives and our daily routine. I’m building on my student’s basic understanding of water by having them learn different bodies of water and learning the purpose of each. I thought it was also important to be able to understand the way the water cycle works, to make sure they have a full understanding of the water process.
 TEACHER CONTENT KNOWLEDGE: While teaching this lesson I will first help my students form a list of different bodies of water (lakes, streams, ocean, ponds, and rivers) and help them then understand each of their uses and resources they provide. Some resources are for survival, agricultural purposes, business, electric power, and just for enjoyment. Next I’ll explain the water cycle by using a model which describes each of the steps to the water cycle, which is evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and accumulation.
Common Core/Vermont Standard GE(s):
Students interpret geography and solve geographic problems by…
 1. Observing, comparing, and analyzing patterns of local and state land use (e.g., agriculture, forestry, industry) to understand why particular locations are used for certain human activities.
 2. Asking appropriate geographic questions and using geographic resources to answer them (e.g., what product is produced in a region and why; atlas, globe, wall maps, reference books).
 Learning Objective(s): This lesson my students will have a full understanding of water and be able to use geographic resources to understand the topic further. They will learn about different forms of water and local and global types of bodies of water. From learning about what their resources are, they can next learn about water pollution and have a full understanding.
Focusing Question(s): What are different forms of water and how does water affect our lives (what resources does it provide)? What is the water cycle?
Language Objectives: My students will be learning different vocabulary regarding the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and accumulation
Strategies: We will both have an artistic response to their favorite body of water. With this drawing they will be able to connect their personal live to their learning. Also they will be learning a song to help them memorize the water cycle, with this song they will be able to use it to make a dance to help them understand it more. Lastly to keep the water cycle in mind, they will create bracelets with each bead representing a cycle in the water cycle with different colors.
Process: When my students start the lesson, they will start off with making a list of ways we use water in our lives, then form another list of different bodies of water and what resources they provide. This will start the students off with basic lists of information that they can relate to, with this they will produce a drawing of their favorite body of water, and explain to the class why it’s their favorite and what resources it provides to them. Later in another lesson they will be adding pollution to these photos and reflect on them. After, they will learn about the water cycle and go on to learn a song to create a dance to and create bracelets to help their memorization.
Criteria: I will be watching to see how much they are fully participating in the activities that are given, but also how well their completion of the work (drawing and bracelet) and how well they understand the assessment given. I want them to think creativity during our activities and come up with different ways of thinking that might help them learn the topic better.
Reflection to Students: I will reflect how I feel my students learned the topic, by seeing how well they come to understand the water cycle and the importance of forms of water. Also by how well they participate in making the lists and their drawing. When we learn the song to go along with the water cycle I will be looking for participation and will guide them. Later they will be acting out the water cycle song in groups to make sure they fully understand it; while they do this I will give each group feedback on how well they acted out the water cycle and participated.
Hook and Introduction: Before I introduce water pollution, I wanted my students to understand the importance of water. My first lesson includes many ways for my students to get involved in their work, and begin the unit with fun activities to get them to be interested in what the unit will include. With the different forms of arts, the students will learn and memorize things in a more interactive way, this I hope will make them more engaged in the learning. 
1. To start off the lesson, my students and I will be forming a list of different bodies of water, with this list, we then will create a list of resources each of these bodies of water will and do provide to us.
2. Next they will spilt up into groups and come up with ways we use water in our everyday life, with the list they have created, the class will come back together to make a large list of everyone’s ideas.
3. After creating all three of these lists, they will be asked to draw a scene of their favorite body of water, including themselves. I want them to focus on the things surrounding them, what they are doing and their emotions they feel while in this space.
4. Next they will share their drawings with the class and explain why they chose this place and what they like to do there, after that we will hang them on the wall to use as a reference.
5. After completing the drawings, we will gather to learn about the water cycle, I will first show them a diagram of the water cycle and will take questions to see what we might need to talk about more.
6. After showing them the water cycle, we will learn a song as a class to help memorize the water cycle. Once I feel they have a good understanding of the song, they will break up into groups again and come up with a creative way to reenact the water cycle.
7. Once the time I have given them is up, they will share these creative dances to the other groups and I will provide feedback.
8. Then the students will head back to their desks for one last memorization activity, by making bracelets. I will hand out the different colored beads (yellow, white, blue, clear and green) to each desk and string to make their bracelets. They will be able to take these bracelets home and are asked to share with one person at home what each of the beads represent.
Closure and Connections: My students will demonstrate their knowledge in this lesson by participating in the activities I have provided for them. By learning a song to go along with the water cycle, I hope that this will help them understand and memorize. I will also see the different skills they used when working in groups and coming up with a creative dance to go along with it.
Extensions: By learning about different forms of water and their resources, they can extend their knowledge into the next lesson, by using this to understand how different areas might get effected by pollution, and how much of an affect it could cause to our daily lives.
 ACCOMMODATIONS:  By having different ways for my students to interrupt their learning in this lesson, I give them opportunities to learn in different ways that might be more suitable for them. By creating a dance, learning a song, using colors I make sure that each of my students understand the task. Since they will be sharing their own personal work, I make sure that it’s do-able and a comfortable environment for everyone in the class. When they make their dances, I want them to feel comfortable enough to explore their creativity and branch out, this might be a challenge for some, but they will learn how they can be creative in different ways. I will try to make sure that my ELL students feel capable enough to complete each task, and if not I will be able to guide them to complete their work. I try to make my activities very engaging, which might be a challenge, but it might also be a good way for them to show that they fully understand the topic at hand.

RESOURCES/MATERIALS: The materials will include large note paper for making several different lists, paper and different drawing materials (paint, colored pencils, markers, crayons, etc.) to create their own drawings, yellow, dark blue, white, clear and green beads, and string to represent the different cycles of the water cycle. Lastly I will include a large sheet of paper for the writing of the water cycle song that they will be learning. 

Lesson 2

Lesson 2
UNIT TOPIC:  Water Pollution

LESSON TOPIC: Forms of pollution

AGE/GRADE: 3rd grade

LESSON ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are different forms of water pollution and how can it affect us?

RATIONALE AND CONTEXT: After learning about the water cycle in the last lesson, I wanted to now move into learning about pollution. With our background information we learned about water, we can start to see the different effects water pollution would have on our lives and different ecosystems. This lesson is important because it has my students start off with learning the basics about water pollution and different forms that might be, and their effects.

TEACHER CONTENT KNOWLEDGE: For creating my lesson, I had to have basic knowledge about different forms of water pollution and the different effects water pollution can have on our lives. I am able to help my students form a list including, surface runoff, untreated sewage, oil spillage, suspended matter (litter), microbiological (unclean drinking water) and ground water pollution, with each of these, I will help form a list with my students coming up with different ways those would affect our daily life. Some are unclean drinking water, diseases, disrupted ecosystems and food chains, etc. Also when my students observe their terrariums, I will be able to give them feedback on what they are observing and help them understand the importance better.


Common Core/Vermont Standard GE(s)/National Arts Standards:

1. Students conduct research by… Referring to and following a plan for an inquiry, locating relevant materials such as print, electronic, and human resources. Describing evidence and recording observations using notecards, journals, or databases (e.g., taking notes while interviewing the principal).

2. Students make connections to research by… Explaining the relevance of their findings to the research question, proposing solutions to problems and asking other questions. Identifying what was easy or difficult about following the research plan

Learning Objective(s): I want my students to learn about different forms of water pollution and be able to understand why it’s important to know and understand how each of them can affect our lives. With also completing their terrariums, they will be able to relate the current topic, to the water cycle and how it can affect our ecosystem. With all of the activities in this lesson, they will be able to observe their terrariums and gain more knowledge about how the water cycle works; with this knowledge, they will be able to better understand the effects of water pollution, which is the goal for this lesson and unit.

Focusing Question(s): What is water pollution and how does it affect our lives and also the ecosystem. Along with this question, I will also be asking questions about their terrariums, such as, what did you observe in your terrariums?

Language Objectives: Concepts my students will be able to understand at the end of this lesson are, types of water pollution, which include surface runoff, untreated sewage, oil spillage, suspended matter (litter), microbiological (unclean drinking water) and ground water pollution. They will also learn effects of water pollution, such as death of aquatic animals, disruption in food-chains, diseases, unclean water for drinking and destruction of ecosystems.


Strategies:  The students will participate in creating lists to demonstrate their thoughts about the topic at hand, they will also create hanging terrariums to use as an example of the water cycle and be able to observe how water pollution can affect the ecosystem they have created. They will be taking several notes and logging any changes and differences they will witness.

Process: I will mostly be looking for participation in my lesson, to see if my students are listening and participating enough to be able to understand and grasp the lesson topic. I will also see by their notes of the observation of the terrariums, to see if they are thinking enough about what is happening in their terrariums.

Criteria: For the criteria, I will be checking my student’s notes on observing their terrariums as a reference to see that they are understanding the assessment and following the standards I have set for them. They will also be challenged to create different lists of what different types of water pollution there are and their different effects. I will also expect them to be able to reflect on their findings.

Reflection to Students: I will see how well my students are learning the topic, by how well they participate in creating the two lists we will be forming, also how well they reflect on the adding to their drawings, I want my students to really understand how water pollution can affect their lives. Also at the end of the lesson, I will be asking my students to bring in a form of water pollution, I will see how well they have participated by bringing something in to class the next day.


Hook and Introduction:  Since we haven’t started to learn about water pollution yet, I think it will be interesting to jump into after learning about the way water works. One of the first things we would do to start this lesson is to make our terrariums, this will give the students a fun and interactive way to start.


1. First we will start this lesson off with creating our terrariums, by doing this each student will be given a gallon plastic bag, dirt, moss, and a seed. They will be filling their bags with each of these materials. They will next write their name on the bag and spray the inside of the bag with water before sealing it. After we will be hanging them up in front of the window to watch and observe the seed growing.

2. Next we will create a list as a class of different forms of water pollution

3. After we will next create another list, listing the different effects of each of these different forms of pollution.

4. From these lists, the students will be asked to find their drawing of their favorite body of water off the wall, and add pollution to this picture.

5. After doing this, they will be asked to reflect on how the picture makes them feel, we will share these ideas and thoughts with the class. I will guide them in this group discussion to help them realize how important it is to not pollute the waters, and the different effects it can cause on OUR lives.

6. To wrap up the lesson, I will be reading the book, Tracking Trash to the class. This book is about how a man is interested in finding out how the ocean tides carry different trash.

7. From the book I will ask my students to bring in any form of water pollution to the next class.

Closure and Connections: They will demonstrate their knowledge by how well they participated, also by our group discussion I will get an idea of how well they are understand the effects of water pollution, on their daily lives and the ecosystem. By the end of this lesson, I hope they will be able to answer the essential question by learning different forms of water pollution.

Extensions: My students will extend their learning by bringing in forms of pollution to the next class, by doing this it will help them remember and think about different forms of water pollution.

ACCOMMODATIONS: The first way my students can demonstrate what they are learning is from making their terrariums and understanding them and their importance by observing them and taking notes on what they are witnessing. This will give my students a chance to explore the water cycle and its importance in a different way, by actually watching it happen and watching how it effects the ecosystem they have created. I will be challenging my students by having them then reflect on what they saw to have them fully understand the importance that our ecosystems still clean. Along with creating lists of different forms of water pollution, I am asking them to bring in an example to the next class, this will help them think about eat different forms are.

RESOURCES/MATERIALS: The materials for the lesson will include, the book we will be reading, which are Tracking Trash, a notepad (large), markers, drawing materials, and different forms of pollution for examples (plastic water bottles, plastic toys, rope, water jugs, etc.) They will also be creating terrariums, so gallon plastic bags, dirt, moss, seeds, and spray bottles filled with water.

Lesson 3

Lesson 3
UNIT TOPIC: Water Pollution

LESSON TOPIC: Water pollution continued with different cultures

AGE/GRADE: 3rd Grade

TIME: 1 ½ hour

LESSON ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are different cultures effected by water pollution?

RATIONALE AND CONTEXT: For this lesson I want my students to understand that water pollution doesn’t just happen in our community, but all around the world. Even if it isn’t effecting us, it may be a bigger issue to others. During this lesson they will have the opportunity to learn about water pollution in different cultures to give them a greater idea of how important water pollution is to understand. I’m building on my student’s prior knowledge of what water pollution is, in this lesson they will be able to see many different examples of water pollution. I want my students to see a greater effect of water pollution after this lesson and grow a greater appreciation.

In order to teach this lesson, I researched water pollution in different countries and the different forms that each are suffering from. I was able to find many paintings by artists who painted water pollution, which I will use to show my students how art is influenced. I will also use the book One Plastic Bag as a resources for both my students and myself, this book is a great example of how we can learn to reuse certain materials, instead of just throwing them away.


Common Core/Vermont Standard GE(s)/National Arts Standards:

Students communicate their findings by… Giving an oral, written, or visual presentation that summarizes their findings

Students develop reasonable explanations that support the research statement by…  Organizing and displaying information in a manner appropriate to the research statement through tables, graphs, charts, narratives, and/or posters, maps, dioramas. Classifying information and justifying groupings based upon observations, prior knowledge, and/or research. Using appropriate methods for interpreting information such as comparing and contrasting.

Learning Objective(s): My students will be able to understand the different emotions and effects water pollution has on different cultures and communities, they will experience a variety of different questions and thoughts that they will be able to share to better observe the content.

Focusing Question(s): How are different cultures and communities around the world effected by water pollution?

Language Objectives: Different countries, such as South Africa, India, Indonesia, Argentina, and Peru. Also different forms of water pollution such as plastic bottles, sewage, trash, surface runoff, etc.


Strategies: In this lesson, my students will be participating in several different activities where they will be asked to reflect on different images, they will also be active in group and individual work to show they fully understand the lesson topic.

Process: I will be able to give my students constant ideas and feedback during this lesson. Whether we are in a large group or working on individual work, I will be able to interact with my students so they know what is expected of them for this lesson.

Criteria: In order for my students to understand the importance of water pollution, I ask my students to reflect and observe in several different activities during this lesson. They will be able to see many different examples of ways water pollution effects cultures, communities and the arts.

Reflection to Students: I will provide feedback to my students by questioning them further into their thought. When observing different paintings and images in the classroom, I will ask them to deepen their understanding of the topic and understand how it makes them feel, even though it might not be effecting them personally.


Hook:  The lesson will start with observing and reacting to different cultures suffering from water pollution and the effects it has on their lives. This will create my students to question these paintings and want to learn more. I will show my students a variety of paintings, some abstract, some realistic to show how art is influenced by water pollution.


1. First I will show my students a variety of different paintings of water pollution and have them ask questions, make comments, reflect and observe them in order to spark interest in this lesson and topic.

2. After I will have my students share in small groups (four students) the item they brought into class that is a form of water pollution. (this is from my last lesson)

3. I will next be reading the book One Plastic Bag, which shows my students an example of a different culture and the form of water pollution they have. I will ask them to reflect on what they saw and how it made them feel.

4. I will hand out to each group of students a photograph from all different places that have water pollution, I will also give them the location. I will then ask them to talk in their groups about what they see, how it makes them feel, ways they could maybe prevent this pollution, etc.

5. After discussing in groups about the photograph they’ve received, I will ask them to draw this same image, but without water pollution and at the bottom of the sheet, write ways they can prevent this from happening in the future and different emotions they felt while drawing this image.   
Closure and Connections: I want my students to be able to take their experiences with observing images, and be able to reflect on a deeper level. This will help them understand the message of this lesson, which is I want them to question water pollution and motivate my students to become more involved in making sure our water stays clean. This will also lead into our next lesson, which is a beach cleanup.

Extensions: This lesson will connect to my next lesson, which is to have my students participate in a beach cleanup to help them understand ways they can help prevent water pollution. From this lesson they will be able to transition into the next lesson by reflecting on how water pollution makes them feel and feeling like they are contributing to help the cleanup.

ACCOMMODATIONS:  To make sure all of my students are able to understand this lesson topic, I created this lesson to be more interactive. After reading One Plastic Bag I make sure to review the main points of the book to help my ELL students better understand it. They will be able to communicate their learnings from the drawing my students will be participating in, they will use art to communicate their emotions and observations, which will help them make the message clearer. They will also be provided with group discussions, where they can express themselves and their ideas in a smaller group setting.

RESOURCES/MATERIALS: One Plastic Bag, 5-6 different images of water pollution in different countries, drawing materials such as crayons, colored pencils, markers, paper, and several images of water pollution paintings.